When you call Gliedt & Stone for an automobile insurance quote, we make certain we quote coverage options appropriate for your situation. Drivers, driving records, vehicles, and annual mileage are all key factors taken into consideration while preparing your quotes. We will offer you a few options to choose from which would include varying limits of liability, different physical damage deductibles along with any “extra’s” that may be appropriate. A brief description of the coverage’s offered under an auto policy are as follows:
Liability Coverage
First and foremost, Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability coverage’s are required for any vehicle that is licensed and registered for road use in the state of California. Bodily Injury protects you by paying hospital and/or medical bills as a result of any injuries sustained by others due to your actions when involved in an at fault loss. Property Damage protects you by paying for the repairs of other people’s property including homes and vehicles as a result of your actions in an at fault loss. These coverage’s will also protect you in the event of a lawsuit as a result of any injuries or property damaged due to your actions when involved in an at fault accident
Medical Payments
Medical Payments ensures that injuries occurring to you or your passengers in an accident are paid using your policy up to the limit listed. Health insurance is primary with the Medical Payments coverage paying any co-pays, deductibles, etc…. We can discuss the dollar amounts offered for this coverage to assist in determining the amount that best suits your needs.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist
This provides you with bodily injury coverage should you be injured by someone who is completely uninsured or someone who does not carry enough liability coverage to cover your injuries sustained in a non-fault loss.
- Uninsured Motorists Property Damage
This will provide up to $3,500.00 to repair your vehicle in the event of a non-fault loss once the other party is deemed uninsured and you do not carry collision coverage. - Uninsured Motorists Waiver of Collision Deductible
This waives your collision deductible in the event of a non-fault loss once the other party is deemed uninsured and you carry collision coverage.
Comprehensive Coverage
Comprehensive coverage provides coverage for your vehicle as a result of damages sustained by anything other than an accident. An example of comprehensive coverage is damage due to a fire or theft, along with repairing or replacing the windshield due to a rock or some other object hitting it.
Collision Coverage
Collision coverage insures you against damage to your vehicle sustained during an accident.
Both Comprehensive and Collision Coverage are purchased with you having a deductible for said coverage. There are many options to choose from starting at $250.00 going up to $2,500.00 in some cases. The higher the deductible the lower your premium is. The deductible is automatically deducted from the “payout” made by any insurance carrier leaving it up to the insured to pay the repair shop their deductible directly.
Optional Coverages (a few are listed but we do have more)
- Towing & Roadside assistance:
Sometimes it’s a comfort to know that when your car breaks down, help is on the way. Optional or special coverage for towing and roadside assistance is available to most for a small charge. - Loss of Use
This coverage pays for a rental vehicle while yours is being repaired as a result of a covered loss. You do have a choice for the dollar per day limit and we will gladly provide you with the options available. - Loan/Lease Coverage
This coverage would pay your existing loan or lease off in the event of a covered loss. - OEM (Original Manufactured Parts)
You may purchase this coverage to ensure your vehicle is repaired with “Factory” parts instead of aftermarket parts in the event of a covered loss.